9:23 minute audio subliminal mp3 download
🌈 Become a master dreamer with infinite possibilities unlock the mind create your perfect life easily and naturally beyond time and space in high definition the ultimate quantum simulation.
💚Master Dreamer:
You the master dreamer you've been In meditation for what seems like eons.
💚Infinite Possibilities:
You have unlimited worlds to create with as an awesome explorer with unlimited possibilities. You break the molds the sky is no longer the limit dream the amazing excitement and wonder of it all while you explore and consider every angle as a free thinker bold and fearless you find the hidden gold you now see the big picture the idea champion.
💚Unlock your mind:
You can heal and purify worlds create worlds of brilliant - landscapes create a perfect life if you dare with the infinite potential inside of you. Take care of your soul Take care of your mind - build power thoughts.
💚Infinite potential:
There are no limits to what we can have or do, if our minds don't set limits. You may have forgotten, you are a spark of the indwelling God power of source creator.
💜With 140 positive high impact uniquely designed spoken word affirmations In Background music created with Theta in 432hz +
DrVirtual7 New live mind streaming affirmation technology.
💜DrVirtual7 - Nine years as a Youtube Pioneer Subliminal Artist one of the leaders in multi sensory perception with over 30 years in Self Help and Positive Subconscious Mind Re-Patterning.
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💚Listen 1-5 times day or night for 90 days.
Every person is different some experience results in a couple of days and for others may take longer.
Headphones are optional.
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