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Rise To The Top Be The Best

7 Minute Subliminal Audio Mp3 Download.

By popular demand you now can rise to the top without the competitive burn out conserve your energy.

•InAudible spoken word affirmations are powerful and designed to bring about safe, healthy and permanent changes in your life
Offering good value give birth to new ideas.

•Revolutionary -DrVirtual7 Subliminals is virtually limitless beyond the placebo effect.

•Identify key areas to your success.

•Allow success to come easily naturally and quickly.

•Build good habits.

•Lifestyle personal and business social media etc.

•Stay in divine safety and protection.

•Dream a great dream you are the star in your own universe.

•Live it fully every day and night.

•Create a positive mental picture with you included in it.

•Easily overcome obstacles.

•Have courage confidence and determination.

•Advance into the direction of your dream.

•Be humble and grateful while staying true to authentic true self.

•Engage in the creative force.

•Radiate and shine - Experience realize actualize.

And much more!

Listen infinity - looping okay.

Headphones and Speakers are Optional

•Only pure positive affirmations no frequencies or binaural.

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