8+ Minute subliminal audio mp3 download.
This subliminal encourages you to discover rediscover your true real authentic self the one you didn't take with you into the world while trying to fit in societies mold of what it thinks you are tells how to live to act to be etc.
No longer will you have to ask permission to be your real self what's unique about this amazing subliminal is this; It also assists in overcoming co dependence and rejection issues while aligning in oneness with true real self outside of life's influences-
life becomes so much better.
Life changing subliminal
Become your true real authentic self the time is now.
Taking self-affirming action can feel uncomfortable at first expect this and know that it’s a sign that you’re doing the right thing.
Produced with the highest quality professional subliminal InAudible
suggestions for maximum potential.
Listen 21-90 days- day or night time listening.
Headphones earbuds speakers optional.