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Sage Alchemy

Sage Audio Frequency Mp3  Running time is 11:09 minutes

Very powerful Frequencies of sage and white sage let it play for a few times to Exercise your listening device get use to this audio may even sound like glitching but not due to the layers of frequencies thereof.

Sage has been used for its metaphysical properties in many cultures and traditions, including:

Spiritual connection.

Indigenous Americans use sage bundles, or "smudge sticks", to cleanse physical spaces and the souls of participants during ceremonies.

Spiritual healing

Burning sage is used to connect to the spiritual realm, enhance intuition, and achieve a healing state.


Sage is used to cleanse the aura, release negative energy, and cleanse the mind of negative self-talk.

Mood improvement

Some types of white sage contain thujone, a psychoactive component that can improve mood and state of mind.

Inner wisdom

Sage is said to enhance inner wisdom and divination.

Used since ancient times to increase fertility, dispel negative influences, ward off evil and much more.

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