Digital download 5.03 minutes running time
Moldavite Alchemy Mystical Transformation Moldavite -intense frequency and high vibration mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes create transformation and are thought to be the stone known as "The Holy Grail Stone."
▰One of the best stones to use for psychic protection as negative entities find it difficult to connect to your aura.
▰Moldavite relates to the Moldau River in Czechoslovakia.
▰Meteorite of enormous size crashed in the Czechoslovakian mountain region about 15 million years ago.
▰This amazing stone was created by the heat of an incredible impact that had extraordinary force. Its aerodynamic shape in all likelihood this attractive green stone fell from the heavens.
▰Scientist researchers believe it to be of extra-terrestrial origin, this is and was never actually confirmed.
▰Potent healing crystals can create an amazing healing response in the individual a powerful catalyst for making changes.
▰Beneficial aid to easily receive messages from the higher realms.
▰Many people feel an intense heat flush or heat tingling in the hands or chest which spread through the body, in the beginning, this is normal.
▰Extremely powerful crystal and is a stone of rapid transformation and shifts to release old intense and painful thoughts.
▰Make you aware of your deepest desires and help you to make connections with other worlds and dimensions affect great change in short periods of time must-have for any who are on the spiritual path.
▰The impact can vary from person to person and each individual will be affected in different ways.
▰ In meditation, is very powerful if you are working on developing psychic skills, you may discover that psychic abilities amplify, and you may find a sense of deep peace.
▰Intuition may develop or psychic abilities may either come to life for the first time, or you may find the abilities you have may expand or change.
▰Resonates the vibration of love, change, and spiritual healing are the common elements that this powerful natural crystal stimulates.
▰Spiritual healing journey assistance may stimulate kundalini arousal.
▰This audio soundtrack specifically engineered to make the transformation a smooth transition.