Starting from:


Millionaire's Orbit

Millionaire's Orbit Mp3


4:09 Minutes audio subliminal download to your email address.




•Now accessing the quantum secret world 

•As truth for me now and in the future 

•Okay life I want to be a millionaire 

•I am a millionaire


•Millionaire is me

•I wish to be a millionaire

•Fifth-dimensional millionaire

•Yes millionaire is you

•You are I am a millionaire

•I'm enjoying this fulfillment realization

•Millionaire is me

•I wish to have this experience i do




•I'm enjoying this fifth-dimensional millionaire lifestyle

•I think on this every day and night

•Millionaire consciousness energy

•I choose I become a millionaire in real-time

•Yes I do

•My thought creation awakens once again

•Instant millionaire

•As within as without

•I have a millionaire mindset

•I dream't of being a millionaire

•I like the sound of this

•It feels wonderful

Plus three of DrVirtual7 trade secret affirmations

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