Considering that true spirituality deals with all of mankind's pursuits in search of truth and meaning of strength would be spiritual elasticity, including but not limited to; flexibility, resiliency, the ability to bounce back, etc The willingness to go the distance even when things are really really tough.
After a few listens you'll know you have the endurance to continue on
Listening Instructions: 1-20 times daily for 49 days Headphones are optional.
Audible and Inaudible Spoken Affirmations
My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life I am living a prosperous life with no limits I believe in myself and I am unstoppable I am inexhaustible energy I honor Infinite divine mind spirit with every thought Every word every deed My inner strength is a mighty fortress I open up every cell in my body To all the good vibrations of the universe My life is a reflection of infinite intelligence Limitless strength Limitless endurance Each day of my life is a miracle Each day I receive healing renewal And regeneration from Infinite Intelligence Each morning I wake up Filled with energy and enthusiasm I am a part of Spirit Sharing in beautiful energies and higher truths I am secure in my status I am being strengthened spiritually I am a tower of strength and vitality My strength and perseverance result in lasting endurance I relax and cast aside all mental burdens Calmly active and actively calm I align with divine will I over flow with vitality My inner strength increases daily I nourish this spiritual force I sustain feelings of self worth I regain balance I experience just being I align myself with spirit I am living with life Living with life Spirit gives me strength today Spiritual strength Mental strength Emotional strength Physical strength Increase I have the strength to continue on I have the strength to over come In confidence faith and reassurance I am renewed in spirit soul and body I am free with the freedom of spirit I am a survivor and a thriver I am at peace now I flow with my best and highest good