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Encrypted Millionaire Code Mp3

7.54 minute audio subliminal Mp3 download.

🔵 Grigori Grabovoi world famous holds a PhD in physics and mathematics, a PhD in engineering science; is a professor, an academician, the author of the Discovery "The Creating Information Area.

🔵 Teachings of constructive development of сognition and of control of events make it possible to formalize all phenomena of reality and have environmentally safe path of technogenic and eternal development.

🔵 Based on constructive principles states that man's consciousness is not only capable of reflecting reality by means of perception and sensation, but is a creative substance in itself. And hence it follows that man, being one of the elements of the universe where all the elements are interconnected, is able to interact with other elements of the universe just by changing his own consciousness.

This subliminal audio recording reaches both Conscious and Subconscious mind. Audible/InAudible

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