11 + Minutes audio subliminal mp3 digital download to your email address.
The majority of mankind is imprisoned into the dark satanic illusion that certain groups have been spreading for thousands of years. The result is the mass mind control system, keeping people away from their true nature as Divine Beings of Light.
The days of glory of the dark forces are nearing the end. And they know it as they're panicking. It is time to disconnect from all the evil they've done to you and humanity. It's time to break ALL dark spells. Will you join to make this happen?
This video will not only support you, but also your loved ones and all human beings on our beautiful planet! Because we're all connected it's not only you that hears this sound healing and subliminal creation that goes deeper than you might think. All people will subconsciously pick up the vibrations.
Listen to this video for at least 40 days in a row, if you want to create an even stronger effect for all humans visualize the sound vibrations spreading around Mother Earth through your crown chakra, putting a blanket of purification and pure Light... Best to listen with stereo headphone, without will work as well... It's time to take back your freedom and connect to the amazing Divine Creator that you ARE! Because the evil ones read along we decided not to openly publish the affirmations. If you have questions feel free to email Dr Virtual. Blessings to all of You wonderful beautiful Souls!
Headphones are optional
Can listen more than one time a day for forty days in a row if desired.