7:04 Minutes Audio Subliminal Download To Your Email Address
An overactive or imbalanced crown chakra can lead to many physical emotional mental & spiritual issues.
Heaven is a buzz word for the crown chakra energy system.
Illumination does not happen overnight, it requires spiritual homework moving up through the chakras.
Correct spinning smooth movement a balanced crown chakra is required absolutely necessary in healing and renewal of life force increased chi energy.
Produced with sound bowls, aum mantra + affirmation messages below the normal range of hearing for optimum performance.
Sub-liminal messages, Life-force dispersing into the chakra system A deeper connection with the force of life Cleanse physically emotionally mentally spiritually Renewal Universal understanding Selflessness Serenity Self-aware Sharp mind Illumination.
Excellent cognitive skills Excellent overall health, Healthy nervous system Healthy reflexes Connection to body Physically Emotionally Mentally Spiritually Free-flowing energy Information.
7:04 Minutes Audio Subliminal Download To Your Email Address.
Intelligent Learning Open-minded Imaginative Introspective Unity of all things Intuition perception Wisdom and mastery sensitive Spiritually connected Emotionally balanced Peaceful Calm Deep wisdom Expanded awareness Spiritual freedom Wholeness Transcendence of boundaries.
Oneness with the divine Unity state of consciousness Connected to spirit and soul You see the larger picture You understand the deeper truth You apply wisdom to knowledge Pure cosmic energy Pure bliss Healing and transformation Inner and outer beauty In the now Purpose Inspiration Open crown chakra Balance crown chakra
Just listen to 1-2 sessions day or night Headphones earbuds & speakers are optional.