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Celestite, also known as Celestine brings harmony and balance and will assist the holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Celestite is a very high vibrational stone that's energy can be felt with just a touch. This mineral works towards activating your third eye and crown chakra while creating a clear channel between the two. Your unique psychic abilities will become activated, helping you to see and understand messages at a much higher energetic level. These messages are here to serve you on your life path and provide much-needed signs along the way. Some of these experiences include ESP, astral projection, lucid dreaming, deja vu, and connectedness towards your guardian angels.
When you first start working with Celestite, you will immediately notice how much more vivid your dreams are. Having lucid dreams will allow you to understand the images with more clarity. Everything you see in the dream realm is important and has a special meaning as to why you dreamt it. As you continue to meditate and work with Celestite, you will be able to have more control over your dreams and what happens within them.
Celestite’s energies also provide calming and soothing vibrations that will radiate into your aura and emotional body. These energies will help “cool” fiery emotions that you keep hidden within yourself daily. It will push you to maintain mental clarity so that you are able to make non-emotional decisions.
Celestite certainly is the stuff of dreams. Coming from the Latin word Caelestis which means Celestial, it's no surprise to hear that this shimmering crystal is soaked in rich mystical properties. Celestite is all about inner peace, quiet space, and elevating the spirit. It’s a stone that whispers of deep connection with other realms.
Cleanse your aura, clear out the clutter from your mind, and let that sweet inner peace into every cell with the potent healing properties of Celestite. This gentle and gorgeous stone is known more for its spiritual powers, but as the physical and celestial bodies are connected. Celestite can help the body flush out toxins and is particularly useful in helping the body heal from stress-related disorders. Whether digestion issues or acne breakouts Understand your higher purpose, and let your inner strength and infinite wisdom outweigh the shadowy places of fear. Helps to relieve the chatterbox mind. Clear out the closet of negative energy and those who want to connect with the angelic realms, this crystal is the one that keeps us open and ever inflows.
Celestite can arouse your Crown Chakra – the most important chakra for etheric energy and expanding our vision to the farthest reaches of the universe. Taps into those psychic abilities clairvoyance and the ability to see beyond the pale, beautiful blue Celestite can help you to tap into that hidden power - further enhancing your understanding of the here and now.
Celestite can sweep in to soothe and calm, like spring rain on a stifling day. For those who crave a touch of clairvoyance, a wave of calm, and to find a quiet space within their own soul, this stone of the angels is stunning to the eye – with its pale pastiche of soft blue and its shimmering clusters.
Amazing tool for dream recall so for those who want to hear the messages sent to them while in slumber. In a grounded sense it works by encouraging a sense of self-awareness that goes even deeper than you could imagine Bring a little more divinity into their life. The ability to move through the world – on both grounded and higher plains without feeling like you can easily be knocked off course.
Celestite provides this by aligning the chakras, shining your intuition, inviting you to use your voice with vision and ease, and cracking open your crown chakra so you can connect with all the plans the universe has in store. It does all this and more without losing its uplifting moods, even in the tightest of time.