13:43 Minute Black Obsidian Audio Frequency Download To Your Email Address.
Black Obsidian Personal Protection Shield.
◆ A conduit to the spirit realm
◆ Seeing guidance from spirit guides or from the angelic realm.
◆ Open the mind to higher realms while remaining grounded and protected.
◆ Reach deep into our past to gain insight into our current state and foresight into our future.
◆ One of the most powerful stones for purging negative emotions and spiritual cleansing.
◆ Drawing from the fire energy of its volcanic creation -
burn off’ emotional burdens or energetic baggage that weighs us down.
This is strong healing medicine considered fast and furious do not loop.
Listen one time every day or night.
Key chakra points- crown, pineal third eye, heart, and root
Headphones not required.