10 Minutes of Pure Black & Blue Kyanite Crystal Frequency Alchemy In Ambient Atmospheric Background Music Download To Your Email Address.
Encourages calm, rational thought.
Contact one’s spirit guides, angels or higher power.
Can be used to remove unwanted energies, cut bonds, release attached entities.
Quick transition between states of consciousness.
Clears the way towards the destined path.
An energetic shield, transmuting any negative energy into positive.
High vibrational frequency amplifies healing.
Clearing energy meridians through the body.
Keeps energies grounded.
Keep the vibrations elevated.
Align with Life's Purpose.
Most powerful for the third eye chakra.
To clear the aura of the etheric body, and bring harmony.
Activates the transpersonal and etheric chakras.
By flowing energy through the higher chakras, a person will feel liberated, purified, and calm.
Amplify channeling and psychic abilities for lucid dreaming and astral travel.
Increases telepathy, helping communicate with people remotely.
In meditation, it can also help in accessing past and future lives.
Can protect your energy from energy vampires.
People that tend to drain your energy while you interact with them.
Creates a grid for protection.
Brings good vibes discover what you are good at.
Gives clear vision formulate your next steps.
Reach and resonate with more people by drawing in their attention magnetically.
Cellular regeneration enhancing capabilities.