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Energy Body Avatar Intergalactic White Light

Energy Body Avatar Intergalactic White Light in Wave Sound
8 minute sound therapy download.

Energy Body Avatar Inner InterGalactic White Light Healer/Healing.

Phenacite (Phenakite) High vibrational crystal.

Powerful crystal generator of pure White Light Energy radiating pure and clear light.
Cleansing to the auric field - connects personal consciousness to a high level frequency information spiritual vibrations translated to the earth - activates light body supporting the ascension process - Light body travel higher realms - strong connection with the chakras and imparts knowledge on how to heal and activate them all - opens the inter-dimensional portals for inner journeying - awaken the pre-frontal lobes most advanced parts of the brain bring spontaneous experiences of telepathy, psychokinesis, prophetic visions, or remote viewing - raw power stimulates the entire energy body - one of the Synergy Twelve Stones - subtle level, purifying the body clearing energy pathways - downloads" information from the Akashic Record - activates healing from the etheric body to the physical and has the power to amplify the energy of other healing crystals - healing support from nerve damage, brain imbalances, brain damage and genetic disorders that limit brain functions - facilitates moving through vibrationary spiritual states - activates memories of earlier spiritual initiations - raise one's vibrations with pure thoughts and positive energies - manifestation channeling desires into actuality on the physical plane for the highest good of all - rapid personal growth - facilitate deep and powerful meditation - align you with your higher self- allow a better flow of positive energies - open your mind to different truths, mindsets, and perspectives - make your vision more positive, and it will help you aspire for bigger and better things - feel inspired to become a better version of yourself - increase the vibrational energies and help your cells to regenerate - bring you passionate ideas and fresh new concepts that will be beneficial in the workplace, in your business, or your personal passion projects - strong prosperity stone bring luck and good fortune to anyone who uses it in their business dealings or career decisions - clear your mind and make you focus on the things that are important in your life - Phenacite energy can comfort you when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pain of loss, heartbreak, or depression - Phenacite can help you recognize the people who will be with you for the long haul and those who are only in it for the free ride.

Phenacite is most often found in Russia, Pakistan, Canada, Brazil, and Australia.

Phenacite Alchemy in ambient ethereal landscape background Music
For adults only.

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